Professional Programs

Impaired Professionals Treatment Programs

An impaired professionals program exclusively works with people that struggle with addiction while in the work force and/or may have had their professional license impacted because of their substance misuse. The goal of the impaired professionals program is help them with addiction and substance abuse so that they can return to their profession should they choose to in the future.

Professional programs typically attend to the following:

  •          Physicians of all practices
  •          Physician Assistants
  •          Attorneys
  •          Dentists
  •          Nurses
  •          Pharmacists
  •          Psychologists
  •          Business Executives
  •          Therapists
  •          Pilots
  •          Veterinarians

Core Programs Provided In A Impaired Professionals Program


  •  Patients go through the process of removing toxins built up in the body throughout their addiction.
  • 24-hour medical staff are available to supervise and make sure detox is as safe and comfortable as possible.

Rehabilitation Programs

  • Clients attend groups, family, and individual counseling to educate them about addiction and how it impacts their lives as well as their loved ones.
  • Other programs available to prepare the patient for life without the use of drugs/alcohol.
  • 24 hour medical care is still available.
  • All other programs planned throughout the day are expected to be attended by individuals.
  • Meals are usually required to be taken on the facility for those on an inpatient basis.

 Dual Diagnosis Treatment

  • Patients will integrate treatment services that best fit the conditions that are diagnosed by a medical professional. 
  • All the same medical care will be provided

Locating A Professionals Treatment Program

If you think that the treatment for professionals program would be right for you and you are ready to get help, there are facilities available to help you. At we know how difficult it can be to locate a drug-rehab center that caters to all of your preference. That is why we have specialists standing by phones ready to help you through this crucial decision. All we need is some information about your addiction and any particulars you have regarding your rehabilitation center.


Calls are free and strictly confidential 1-888-814-1881